Saturday, November 10, 2012

Niall's Facts

Age: 19
From: Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland
Star Sign: Virgo
Full Name: Niall James Horan
Height: 5”7
Shoe Size: 8
Nickname: Nialler
Niall’s Favourites:
Film: Grease, The Godfather, and Goodfellas
Body Part: His Eyes
Food: Pizza and Nandos
Album: Crazy Love by Michael Buble
Celebrity Lady: Demi Lovato and Cheryl Cole
Shop: Topman
Drink: Water or Coca-Cola
Color: Blue & Green
TV Show: Two And A Half Men
Aftershave: Armani Mania
Perfume: Chanel Blue, Victoria’s Secret
Computer Game: Fifa
Iphone App: Flick Kick Football, Sky Mobile
Way To Spend A Sunday: Asleep for as long as possible
Date Venue: Nandos
Country: Ireland
Restaurant: Nandos
Way To Relax: Sitting and playing the guitar
Night Out: ” In Mulingar with my mates having a laugh.”
Band: The Script, The Coronas, The Eagles, The Kooks, The Doors, Thin Lizzy, Take That, and Westlife
Duvet Cover: White with black pattern
Pants: Boxers, Calvin Kleins
First Pet: Two goldfish called Tom and Jerry
Niall likes the company of others and he also likes being by himself sometimes.
Type of Girl: “I like someone who can take a bit of banter, have a laugh, and who likes the same things as me - if you go out with me you have to want to come to a football match.  I support Derby Country and I  always have. I like the natural look.”

  • Niall plays guitar.
  • Niall’s microphone has the colours of the Irish flag stuck to the bottom of it.
  • The only book Niall has ever read is ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’.
  • His guitar was the best Christmas present he ever received.
  • Niall cannot play the piano.
  • He likes girls with brown eyes.
  • Niall didn’t take his T-shirt off in the ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ video because he does not think he is slim enough.
  • Niall feels awkward talking about his body.
  • His favourite subject in school was geography.
  • Niall didn’t do his school exams.
  • He never went to his school prom.
  • On the X-Factor, Katy Perry told Niall not to let her down. The day their album came out in the U.S. she tweeted Niall saying “Congratulations, you didn’t let me down”.
  • He talks in his sleep.
  • Niall is a ‘Belieber’.
  • He is left handed.
  • Niall sings in the shower.
  • He likes to swear a lot, which is why he is normally quiet in interviews.
  • Niall waxed his legs for charity, but said he wouldn’t do it again as it was too painful.
  • His favourite animals are giraffes.
  • His hair is naturally dark brown.
  • His Twitter profile is @NiallOfficial
  • He has Claustrophobia, which is the fear of small/enclosed spaces.
  • He screamed when Justin Bieber followed him on Twitter.
  • “My favorite past time is farting.”
  • Niall has a strange obsession with giraffes.
  • He has a hair fetish.
  • “Age is just a number, who cares how old the girl I date is?”
  • When Niall isn’t working, his schedule goes “sleep, fart, eat, listen to music, fart, go on Twitter, fart, eat, sleep.”
  • If Niall was rich enough, he’d buy his own Nando’s restaurant and name it “Nialldo’s.”
  • After Niall met Justin Bieber, Harry had to take him out of the studio so he could scream about how happy he was.
  • Niall once said, “I hate it when girls act stupid cause they think it’s cute. Intelligence is sexy.”
  • Niall’s favorite Justin Bieber songs are “U Smile” and “One Less Lonely Girl”.
  • When Niall was in school, he used to sneak food inside his classroom so he could eat it when he got bored.
  • “I haven’t actually kissed that many girls.”
  • Niall cried while watching The Notebook and Finding Nemo.
  • “If I got a girlfriend, I’d feed her playfully all the time.”
  • He’d always walk his girlfriend home because he’s too protective.
  • Niall had always been small for his age, but he never got bullied because he tried to be friendly with everyone.
  • Niall’s aftershave is Armani Mania.
  • Niall would like to collaborate with Justin Bieber.
  • When he was 15, he went into the school talent show singing “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” with his friend Kieron on guitar.
  • Niall’s favorite scary movie is Prom Night.
  • He says getting his hair bleached hurts so much.
  • Niall got confused while filming ‘What Makes You Beautiful’, as he couldn’t remember how many times he had to sing “na”.
  • Niall gave loads of money to a homeless person before.
  • He laughed after One Direction were in a car crash.
  • On the set of iCarly they had to do 9 takes on one scene because Niall kept laughing.
  • Niall has a Justin Bieber biography.
  • When Niall arrived at LAX he sang the song ‘Party In the USA’.
  • Louis pulled down Niall’s pants at a service station.
  • Louis said Niall can be scared by the fans at times, so they give him “a little cuddle.”
  • Niall loves it when his girlfriend plays with his hair.
  • Niall also loves green eyes.
  • Niall once had a dream that all the food on the earth was gone, and he woke up crying.
  • Niall’s ideal first date would be eating spaghetti (messily) in a posh restaurant.
  • He finds hot pants, farting, and being funny a turn on.
  • Niall thinks model looking girls are too intimidating, and that they’re too perfect. He sees perfect as too boring. He likes little quirks/flaws, as they’re “so cute.”
  • Niall would date a fan, as long as they didn’t fangirl in front of him.
  • If Niall could live anywhere, it’d be Nando’s.
  • Niall wants a girlfriend who eats just as much as him, which is A LOT!
  • He cried the most when they lost the X Factor.
  • When Niall met Michael Buble for the first time, he was holding Liam’s hand the whole time he was so nervous.
  • Niall loves his bed almost as much as he loves food and sleeping.
  • He’d rather lick a fat man’s armpit than drown in a sea of mayonnaise.
  • Niall used to have two fishes named Ben and Jerry, but they died due to being overfed.
  • “Farting is my best party trick! I can clear a room in a matter of seconds.”
  • Niall’s never been in a serious relationship because he is waiting for the right girl.
  • He went to an all boys school, so he doesn’t really know how to act around girls.
  • When a fan asks Niall to marry them, he’ll always say yes.
  • The boys say he farts in his sleep.
  • Niall would like to be Cheryl Cole for a day so he could see what it’s like to be ‘so hot.’
  • He can’t stop singing Justin Bieber’s song, “Mistletoe.”
  • He said he would be the soppy one in a relationship because he loves to cuddle.
  • Niall fell asleep during the Harry Potter premiere and the other guys had to wake him up so no one could catch him.
  • He finds it cute when girls sneeze.
  • Niall speaks fluent Spanish.
  • Whenever Niall sees someone cry, he gets upset too, which is why he hates crying fans.
  • Even though Niall doesn’t like Disney films, he’d still do the “spaghetti kiss” from “Lady and the Tramp.”
  • “The fans always tell me I’m beautiful, but no one will ever be as beautiful as them.”
  • He loves horror movies, and if he has a girlfriend, he’d want to snuggle up to her just in case she got scared.
  • Niall thinks the best thing about being a guy is how you get to chase all the girls.
  • He didn’t realize how many fans they have until they went on tour.
  • He thinks the best things about him are ‘he’s a good laugh, honest, and generous.’
  • When 1D met Joe Jonas, they decided to prank him but failed because Niall forgot what he was doing.
  • Niall hates it when a girl is afraid to eat in front of him.
  • Niall has met Demi Lovato’s family.
  • At Niall’s first audition, he sung “So Sick” which Justin Bieber covered on YouTube before he was famous.
  • One of Niall’s new year’s resolutions for 2012 is to have a girlfriend.
  • Niall wants to change his hair back to its natural brown.
  • He does not drink fizzy drinks. He prefers water and pints.
  • “What’s the cheekiest thing Niall’s ever got away with?” Harry & Louis: “Everything he does.”
  • “Food was a big part of the tour for us…we saw a lot of different Nando’s.”
  • Niall says the scariest thing to ever happen to him was when he and Liam were mobbed in New York City.
  • “Katy Perry still gets me every time. She’s very funny in person! We met at the Teen Choice Awards and she pulled my cheeks apart and told me how cute I was. My life was literally flashing before my eyes!”
  • Niall once went to McDonald’s and ordered a quarter pounder, 6 nuggets, and a cheeseburger.
  • He goes after the shy girls.
  • Fan: “If you were a rapper, what would your name be?” Niall: “N Dizzle.” Louis: “MC Tommo.”
  • Niall looks for his future wife in a crowd.
  • “When I was 12, all my friends had girlfriends and I didn’t. I felt so lonely, I asked my mum to date me.”
  • “Don’t ever worry about me, I’m the most carefree mofo in the world!”
  • “I’m an emotional guy, so I don’t have to worry about a girl trying to get me to open up.”
  • Interviewer: “Boobs or bum?” Niall: “Her heart.”
  • Besides the guitar, Niall also wants to be able to play the drums.
  • Niall will probably get the barcode tattoo that he wants.
  • “There is no way I will hate the fans, everything about them is lovable.”
  • He thinks he would be the soppy one in the relationship.
  • Niall has a cat named Jess.
  • Niall was followed by 300 girls while shopping at a mall in Atlanta.
  • In concert, Liam joked that if Niall had to name a kitten, he would probably name it Demi Lovato.
  • He is a loud shower singer.
  • Niall skypes his family and close friends from their tour bus.
  • Niall has confirmed that he and Demi had a couple Skype dates.
  • A fan gave Niall a copy of “Fifty Shades of Grey” but he only read one page and put it away.
  • Once, Zayn did a Justin Bieber dance move and Niall fangirled like crazy!
  • Niall’s favorite thing about being in a band is getting free things. His least favorite is being away from his family while touring.
  • Niall confirmed that he is not seeing anyone currently.
  • Niall has admitted to master bating on the tour bus.
  • He said that if he could have any celebrity sit on him, it would be Jennifer Lopez.
  • When Niall was in LA one time, he got Obama toilet paper.
  • What’s your favorite food? Niall: “That’s a good question. Chicken’s good. I like anything with chicken. Southern fried chicken. Chicken wings. Barbecue chicken…”
  • Niall called a group of fans waiting for him at the airport a “shower of c*nts”. Despite the fact that the phrase means “a group of annoying people” and is used in a joking way, Niall still apologized.
  • Niall only ate mashed potatoes for dinner after he got his braces because they hurt.
  • Out of all the boys, Niall spends the most time on Twitter.
  • Niall gets scared around big groups of people. Louis says he gives Niall a cuddle to make him feel better.
  • Niall can describe himself in one word - “Irish”
  • “They think Niall and I flirt while talking on Skype but in reality, all he does is eat in front of the webcam” - Demi Lovato
  • “I wanna run around Times Square naked.”
  • “I think if the Little Mermaid was human, she’d be hot.”
  • He hates girls that are “all up in your face.”
  • Niall’s first tweet was “@justinbieber..yo justin wats d wirerd obsession wi chuck norris, and you get over to Ireland, everyone loves you over here…”
  • His official twitter is @niallofficial

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