Saturday, November 10, 2012

Harry's Facts

  • His full name is Harry Edward Styles. His Twitter is @Harry_Styles

  • Before One Direction, Harry used to be in a band called 'White Eskimo'.

  • Harry has a sister called Gemma.

  • His mother is called Anne.

  • 'White Eskimo' performed at a wedding in June 2010.

  • Harry is the youngest member of One Direction.

  • He was born on 1st February 1994.

  • Harry was the one who came up with the band's name 'One Direction'.

  • Harry can speak French.

  • He can play the kazoo.

  • His X-Factor audition song was 'Isn't She Lovely' By Stevie Wonder.

  • Juggling is one of Harry's hidden talents.

  • Harry's favourite film genre is action/adventure.

  • Harry's star sign is Aquarius.

  • He likes to take long showers.

  • Harry had his first kiss when he was 11.

  • When Harry was younger his hair used to be straight.

  • He once applied for a job as a lifeguard.

  • Harry does not like mayonnaise.

  • According to Harry's mother, he is very romantic.

  • Harry said he would date a fan.

  • Harry likes to take food of other peoples plates!

  • The boys say Harry is the smartest in the group.

  • Harry is the biggest game-cheater out of everyone in One Direction.

  • Louis and Harry first met in the toilets at X-Factor.

  • Harry once ran through a train station with only his boxers on!

  • He loves Zayn's cheekbones!

  • Harry signs his name with one 'r'.

  • He has Ophidiophobiam, which is the fear of snakes.

  • Harry's star tattoo on the side of his arms has 5 points for all the members in One Direction.

  • He says he doesn't understand why girls are attracted to him.

  • When he was ten, he was attacked by a goat!

  • Harry said he would pose naked at some point to OK! Magazine.

  • Harry has soft hands!

  • Love Actually is one of Harry's favourite film.

  • Harry likes Milky Way Crispy Rolls!

  • He dislikes beetroot.

  • Harry's shoe size is ten and a half.

  • He kisses on the first date.

  • He wouldn't date a girl that smokes or swears a lot.

  • Harry once paid Niall £20 to make him a sandwich. Niall took the money, made the sandwich, then ate it himself!

  • He prefers tea over coffee.

  • He is very ticklish.

  • Harry has passed his driving test.

  • Harry ate his first ever Twinky on 28th January 2012!

  • He shaved a 'H' into Zayn's leg hair when he was asleep.

  • Harry knows how to knit.

  • He talks in his sleep.

  • He doesn't like reading.

  • He suffers from hay fever.
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