Saturday, November 10, 2012

Louis's Facts

  • Louis' middle name is William.

  • Louis was born on Christmas Eve in 1991.

  • His star sign is Capricorn.

  • He is the oldest member in One Direction.

  • He was born in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, England.

  • Louis has four sisters. Charlotte, Felicity and twins Daisy and Phoebe.

  • His mother is called Johanna and his father is Mark.

  • His eye colour is blue.

  • He has a dog named Ted.

  • He once pulled a moonie to his head teacher.

  • Louis got suspended from school and had to retake year 12.

  • He doesn't like tattoos.

  • He prefers a shower over a bath.

  • He can play the piano.

  • His favourite colour is dark red.

  • He doesn't like the fact that he is the oldest in the band.

  • Louis had a chilly flavoured ice cream in France and said it was amazing!

  • 'The Fray' is Louis' favourite band.

  • He first met Harry in the X-Factor toilets.

  • Louis Tomlinson is not gay.

  • Louis has licked Zayn's lips before.

  • On March 19th 2012, he reached 2 million Twitter fans.

  • Whilst filming for the video of 'Thats What Makes You Beautiful', Louis sent a message in a bottle.

  • Louis doesn't like birds.

  • He dislikes baked beans.

  • He says he isn't brave enough to get his nipples pierced.

  • His favourite month in the year is December.

  • He played 'Danny' in the film 'Grease'.

  • He did an ITV1 drama called 'If I Had You'.

  • His Twitter profile is @Louis_Tomlinson
  • Niall's Facts

    Age: 19
    From: Mullingar, County Westmeath, Ireland
    Star Sign: Virgo
    Full Name: Niall James Horan
    Height: 5”7
    Shoe Size: 8
    Nickname: Nialler
    Niall’s Favourites:
    Film: Grease, The Godfather, and Goodfellas
    Body Part: His Eyes
    Food: Pizza and Nandos
    Album: Crazy Love by Michael Buble
    Celebrity Lady: Demi Lovato and Cheryl Cole
    Shop: Topman
    Drink: Water or Coca-Cola
    Color: Blue & Green
    TV Show: Two And A Half Men
    Aftershave: Armani Mania
    Perfume: Chanel Blue, Victoria’s Secret
    Computer Game: Fifa
    Iphone App: Flick Kick Football, Sky Mobile
    Way To Spend A Sunday: Asleep for as long as possible
    Date Venue: Nandos
    Country: Ireland
    Restaurant: Nandos
    Way To Relax: Sitting and playing the guitar
    Night Out: ” In Mulingar with my mates having a laugh.”
    Band: The Script, The Coronas, The Eagles, The Kooks, The Doors, Thin Lizzy, Take That, and Westlife
    Duvet Cover: White with black pattern
    Pants: Boxers, Calvin Kleins
    First Pet: Two goldfish called Tom and Jerry
    Niall likes the company of others and he also likes being by himself sometimes.
    Type of Girl: “I like someone who can take a bit of banter, have a laugh, and who likes the same things as me - if you go out with me you have to want to come to a football match.  I support Derby Country and I  always have. I like the natural look.”

    • Niall plays guitar.
    • Niall’s microphone has the colours of the Irish flag stuck to the bottom of it.
    • The only book Niall has ever read is ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’.
    • His guitar was the best Christmas present he ever received.
    • Niall cannot play the piano.
    • He likes girls with brown eyes.
    • Niall didn’t take his T-shirt off in the ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ video because he does not think he is slim enough.
    • Niall feels awkward talking about his body.
    • His favourite subject in school was geography.
    • Niall didn’t do his school exams.
    • He never went to his school prom.
    • On the X-Factor, Katy Perry told Niall not to let her down. The day their album came out in the U.S. she tweeted Niall saying “Congratulations, you didn’t let me down”.
    • He talks in his sleep.
    • Niall is a ‘Belieber’.
    • He is left handed.
    • Niall sings in the shower.
    • He likes to swear a lot, which is why he is normally quiet in interviews.
    • Niall waxed his legs for charity, but said he wouldn’t do it again as it was too painful.
    • His favourite animals are giraffes.
    • His hair is naturally dark brown.
    • His Twitter profile is @NiallOfficial
    • He has Claustrophobia, which is the fear of small/enclosed spaces.
    • He screamed when Justin Bieber followed him on Twitter.
    • “My favorite past time is farting.”
    • Niall has a strange obsession with giraffes.
    • He has a hair fetish.
    • “Age is just a number, who cares how old the girl I date is?”
    • When Niall isn’t working, his schedule goes “sleep, fart, eat, listen to music, fart, go on Twitter, fart, eat, sleep.”
    • If Niall was rich enough, he’d buy his own Nando’s restaurant and name it “Nialldo’s.”
    • After Niall met Justin Bieber, Harry had to take him out of the studio so he could scream about how happy he was.
    • Niall once said, “I hate it when girls act stupid cause they think it’s cute. Intelligence is sexy.”
    • Niall’s favorite Justin Bieber songs are “U Smile” and “One Less Lonely Girl”.
    • When Niall was in school, he used to sneak food inside his classroom so he could eat it when he got bored.
    • “I haven’t actually kissed that many girls.”
    • Niall cried while watching The Notebook and Finding Nemo.
    • “If I got a girlfriend, I’d feed her playfully all the time.”
    • He’d always walk his girlfriend home because he’s too protective.
    • Niall had always been small for his age, but he never got bullied because he tried to be friendly with everyone.
    • Niall’s aftershave is Armani Mania.
    • Niall would like to collaborate with Justin Bieber.
    • When he was 15, he went into the school talent show singing “The Man Who Can’t Be Moved” with his friend Kieron on guitar.
    • Niall’s favorite scary movie is Prom Night.
    • He says getting his hair bleached hurts so much.
    • Niall got confused while filming ‘What Makes You Beautiful’, as he couldn’t remember how many times he had to sing “na”.
    • Niall gave loads of money to a homeless person before.
    • He laughed after One Direction were in a car crash.
    • On the set of iCarly they had to do 9 takes on one scene because Niall kept laughing.
    • Niall has a Justin Bieber biography.
    • When Niall arrived at LAX he sang the song ‘Party In the USA’.
    • Louis pulled down Niall’s pants at a service station.
    • Louis said Niall can be scared by the fans at times, so they give him “a little cuddle.”
    • Niall loves it when his girlfriend plays with his hair.
    • Niall also loves green eyes.
    • Niall once had a dream that all the food on the earth was gone, and he woke up crying.
    • Niall’s ideal first date would be eating spaghetti (messily) in a posh restaurant.
    • He finds hot pants, farting, and being funny a turn on.
    • Niall thinks model looking girls are too intimidating, and that they’re too perfect. He sees perfect as too boring. He likes little quirks/flaws, as they’re “so cute.”
    • Niall would date a fan, as long as they didn’t fangirl in front of him.
    • If Niall could live anywhere, it’d be Nando’s.
    • Niall wants a girlfriend who eats just as much as him, which is A LOT!
    • He cried the most when they lost the X Factor.
    • When Niall met Michael Buble for the first time, he was holding Liam’s hand the whole time he was so nervous.
    • Niall loves his bed almost as much as he loves food and sleeping.
    • He’d rather lick a fat man’s armpit than drown in a sea of mayonnaise.
    • Niall used to have two fishes named Ben and Jerry, but they died due to being overfed.
    • “Farting is my best party trick! I can clear a room in a matter of seconds.”
    • Niall’s never been in a serious relationship because he is waiting for the right girl.
    • He went to an all boys school, so he doesn’t really know how to act around girls.
    • When a fan asks Niall to marry them, he’ll always say yes.
    • The boys say he farts in his sleep.
    • Niall would like to be Cheryl Cole for a day so he could see what it’s like to be ‘so hot.’
    • He can’t stop singing Justin Bieber’s song, “Mistletoe.”
    • He said he would be the soppy one in a relationship because he loves to cuddle.
    • Niall fell asleep during the Harry Potter premiere and the other guys had to wake him up so no one could catch him.
    • He finds it cute when girls sneeze.
    • Niall speaks fluent Spanish.
    • Whenever Niall sees someone cry, he gets upset too, which is why he hates crying fans.
    • Even though Niall doesn’t like Disney films, he’d still do the “spaghetti kiss” from “Lady and the Tramp.”
    • “The fans always tell me I’m beautiful, but no one will ever be as beautiful as them.”
    • He loves horror movies, and if he has a girlfriend, he’d want to snuggle up to her just in case she got scared.
    • Niall thinks the best thing about being a guy is how you get to chase all the girls.
    • He didn’t realize how many fans they have until they went on tour.
    • He thinks the best things about him are ‘he’s a good laugh, honest, and generous.’
    • When 1D met Joe Jonas, they decided to prank him but failed because Niall forgot what he was doing.
    • Niall hates it when a girl is afraid to eat in front of him.
    • Niall has met Demi Lovato’s family.
    • At Niall’s first audition, he sung “So Sick” which Justin Bieber covered on YouTube before he was famous.
    • One of Niall’s new year’s resolutions for 2012 is to have a girlfriend.
    • Niall wants to change his hair back to its natural brown.
    • He does not drink fizzy drinks. He prefers water and pints.
    • “What’s the cheekiest thing Niall’s ever got away with?” Harry & Louis: “Everything he does.”
    • “Food was a big part of the tour for us…we saw a lot of different Nando’s.”
    • Niall says the scariest thing to ever happen to him was when he and Liam were mobbed in New York City.
    • “Katy Perry still gets me every time. She’s very funny in person! We met at the Teen Choice Awards and she pulled my cheeks apart and told me how cute I was. My life was literally flashing before my eyes!”
    • Niall once went to McDonald’s and ordered a quarter pounder, 6 nuggets, and a cheeseburger.
    • He goes after the shy girls.
    • Fan: “If you were a rapper, what would your name be?” Niall: “N Dizzle.” Louis: “MC Tommo.”
    • Niall looks for his future wife in a crowd.
    • “When I was 12, all my friends had girlfriends and I didn’t. I felt so lonely, I asked my mum to date me.”
    • “Don’t ever worry about me, I’m the most carefree mofo in the world!”
    • “I’m an emotional guy, so I don’t have to worry about a girl trying to get me to open up.”
    • Interviewer: “Boobs or bum?” Niall: “Her heart.”
    • Besides the guitar, Niall also wants to be able to play the drums.
    • Niall will probably get the barcode tattoo that he wants.
    • “There is no way I will hate the fans, everything about them is lovable.”
    • He thinks he would be the soppy one in the relationship.
    • Niall has a cat named Jess.
    • Niall was followed by 300 girls while shopping at a mall in Atlanta.
    • In concert, Liam joked that if Niall had to name a kitten, he would probably name it Demi Lovato.
    • He is a loud shower singer.
    • Niall skypes his family and close friends from their tour bus.
    • Niall has confirmed that he and Demi had a couple Skype dates.
    • A fan gave Niall a copy of “Fifty Shades of Grey” but he only read one page and put it away.
    • Once, Zayn did a Justin Bieber dance move and Niall fangirled like crazy!
    • Niall’s favorite thing about being in a band is getting free things. His least favorite is being away from his family while touring.
    • Niall confirmed that he is not seeing anyone currently.
    • Niall has admitted to master bating on the tour bus.
    • He said that if he could have any celebrity sit on him, it would be Jennifer Lopez.
    • When Niall was in LA one time, he got Obama toilet paper.
    • What’s your favorite food? Niall: “That’s a good question. Chicken’s good. I like anything with chicken. Southern fried chicken. Chicken wings. Barbecue chicken…”
    • Niall called a group of fans waiting for him at the airport a “shower of c*nts”. Despite the fact that the phrase means “a group of annoying people” and is used in a joking way, Niall still apologized.
    • Niall only ate mashed potatoes for dinner after he got his braces because they hurt.
    • Out of all the boys, Niall spends the most time on Twitter.
    • Niall gets scared around big groups of people. Louis says he gives Niall a cuddle to make him feel better.
    • Niall can describe himself in one word - “Irish”
    • “They think Niall and I flirt while talking on Skype but in reality, all he does is eat in front of the webcam” - Demi Lovato
    • “I wanna run around Times Square naked.”
    • “I think if the Little Mermaid was human, she’d be hot.”
    • He hates girls that are “all up in your face.”
    • Niall’s first tweet was “@justinbieber..yo justin wats d wirerd obsession wi chuck norris, and you get over to Ireland, everyone loves you over here…”
    • His official twitter is @niallofficial

    Harry's Facts

  • His full name is Harry Edward Styles. His Twitter is @Harry_Styles

  • Before One Direction, Harry used to be in a band called 'White Eskimo'.

  • Harry has a sister called Gemma.

  • His mother is called Anne.

  • 'White Eskimo' performed at a wedding in June 2010.

  • Harry is the youngest member of One Direction.

  • He was born on 1st February 1994.

  • Harry was the one who came up with the band's name 'One Direction'.

  • Harry can speak French.

  • He can play the kazoo.

  • His X-Factor audition song was 'Isn't She Lovely' By Stevie Wonder.

  • Juggling is one of Harry's hidden talents.

  • Harry's favourite film genre is action/adventure.

  • Harry's star sign is Aquarius.

  • He likes to take long showers.

  • Harry had his first kiss when he was 11.

  • When Harry was younger his hair used to be straight.

  • He once applied for a job as a lifeguard.

  • Harry does not like mayonnaise.

  • According to Harry's mother, he is very romantic.

  • Harry said he would date a fan.

  • Harry likes to take food of other peoples plates!

  • The boys say Harry is the smartest in the group.

  • Harry is the biggest game-cheater out of everyone in One Direction.

  • Louis and Harry first met in the toilets at X-Factor.

  • Harry once ran through a train station with only his boxers on!

  • He loves Zayn's cheekbones!

  • Harry signs his name with one 'r'.

  • He has Ophidiophobiam, which is the fear of snakes.

  • Harry's star tattoo on the side of his arms has 5 points for all the members in One Direction.

  • He says he doesn't understand why girls are attracted to him.

  • When he was ten, he was attacked by a goat!

  • Harry said he would pose naked at some point to OK! Magazine.

  • Harry has soft hands!

  • Love Actually is one of Harry's favourite film.

  • Harry likes Milky Way Crispy Rolls!

  • He dislikes beetroot.

  • Harry's shoe size is ten and a half.

  • He kisses on the first date.

  • He wouldn't date a girl that smokes or swears a lot.

  • Harry once paid Niall £20 to make him a sandwich. Niall took the money, made the sandwich, then ate it himself!

  • He prefers tea over coffee.

  • He is very ticklish.

  • Harry has passed his driving test.

  • Harry ate his first ever Twinky on 28th January 2012!

  • He shaved a 'H' into Zayn's leg hair when he was asleep.

  • Harry knows how to knit.

  • He talks in his sleep.

  • He doesn't like reading.

  • He suffers from hay fever.
  • Liam's Facts

    1. Liam Payne is a member of the British boy band 'One Direction'.

    2. Liam's middle name is James.

    3. Liam's star sign is Virgo.

    4. His parents name are Karen and Geoff.

    5. He has two older sisters, Nicole and Ruth.

    6. He was born on 29th August 1993.

    7. Liam only has one kidney!

    8. Liam Payne Appeared on The X-Factor in 2008. He made it through to the judges houses.

    9. He prefers showers over baths.

    10. Liam has two pet turtles called Boris and Archimedes.

    11. Liam's favourite chocolate is Maltesers.

    12. Liam plays the guitar.

    13. He used to be a member in the Scouting Association.

    14. He has a strange fear of spoons.

    15. His favourite aftershave is Paco Rabanne’s 1 Million.

    16. He's from Wolverhampton, West Midlands, England.

    17. He was a music technology student at City of Wolverhampton College, a Further Education College.

    18. Liam used to get bullied in school by his classmates.

    19. Liam doesn't drink alcohol.

    20. His favourite sport is basketball.

    21. His favourite films are the Toy Story films.

    22. Liam has size 8 feet.

    23. He gave his phone number to a fan once.

    24. He loves cooking.

    25. He is the most romantic out of the group.

    26. Liam played Pokémon loads when he was younger.

    27. Because of his fear of spoons, he eats ice-cream with a fork.

    28. His favourite Pokémon from the Black and White series is Throh.

    29. Liam's favourite colour is purple.

    30. His Twitter is @Real_Liam_Payne.

    Zayn's Facts

    1. Zayn Malik is a member in the popular British Band One Direction.

    2. His middle name is Javadd.

    3. He was born on 12th January 1993.

    4. His star sign is Capricorn.

    5. He was born in Saint Luke's hospital in Bradford, England.

    6. Zayn's name is originally spelt 'Zain', however he prefers 'Zayn'.

    7. 'Zayn' means 'Beautiful' in Arabic.

    8. Zayn is a Muslim.

    9. His shoe size is 8½.

    10. Zayn first appeared on X-Factor as a solo artist.

    11. Zayn has his left ear pierced.

    12. His father is from Pakistan.

    13. He has light brown eyes.

    14. Zayn has one older sister and two younger sisters.

    15. He prefers his iPhone 4 to his BlackBerry.

    16. Zayn suffers from Acrophobia, which is the fear of heights.

    17. Before X-Factor, Zayn had never been on a plane.

    18. Zayn's X-Factor serial number is #165616.

    19. He can play the triangle.

    20. He has a pet dog called Boris and two cats called Rolo and Tom.

    21. He likes intelligent girls.

    22. His favourite food is chicken.

    23. Zayn is a smoker.

    24. One of his hobbies is drawing.

    25. He can't swim.

    26. His favourite Pokémon is Oshawott.

    27. If you meet him and give him your Twitter name, he will follow you.

    28. He ripped his boxers once, and a fan told him.

    29. Zayn held Harry's hand when Harry his first tattoo.

    30. He is scared of the dark!

    31. Zayn didn't have a passport before he was on X-Factor.

    32. He says he wants to get married before he reaches the age of thirty.

    33. His favourite shark is a hammerhead!

    34. He always brushes his teeth before going on stage.

    35. His official Twitter profile is @ZaynMalik